Friday, August 27, 2010

Now I only have myself to blame, for falling for your stupid games*

I was looking at my searches in google analytics to see what brought people to my site.  Most of them were looking for song lyrics or quotes and I can see how that would send people here.  I am a big fan of song lyrics as post titles.  However, there is one search term I have no idea how it brought anyone here.  I have never in my life written these words, or even anything remotely resembling them.  And it brought 3 seperate searches here.  Really?

"I like to jerk off in my underwear"  (Hi...I'm ready to start getting another 20 people here with that search item now). 

I was curious to see how far down you had to go to get to my site using that search term (Hi IT...please don't think I'm weird for searching for that at work!), and I went to page 5...still no mention of my blog.  I would think they could have found a better link than mine.

Even weirder, apparently one of them stayed to read a few pages.  If you're there...Hi! 

Anyways, I only have 7 more days until September 2...which means...I only have 7 more days until my last day of work here!  Which means I only have 10(ish) days left before I move to Pennsylvania.  (My actual move date depends on how well my packing goes...).  I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

I am so sick of hearing how terrible Yankees are.  I cannot wait to be one again. 

*Carrie Underwood


Pickles and Dimes said...

Oh, man! HAHHAHAHAHA. Gross.

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