Monday, March 8, 2010

It's so hard not to be crushed, when you're praying for too much*

I was listening to the radio this morning on my way to work and I can't get this horrible story out of my head. 

A dad in the DC area posted a job on Craigs list for a "dog walker".  However, his idea of a dog walker and mine are not the same.  I can't access Craigs List to get the full job posting, but the job description is something like this (as remembered from the radio guy reading it over the air):

Looking for someone to come and walk my dog for me.  I need you to come to my house, meet my kids and explain that you are here to help daddy walk Sprinkles and help Sprinkles get his exercise when daddy is too busy to do it himself.  Then, you should take the dog for a "walk", but in reality take him to his new home 20 miles away.  Then, return to the house with only his leash and tell my kids that he ran away.  Be prepared for the kids to curse you and possibly hit you.  They are young kids and overly dramatic girls.  The pay is $500 and should take at most 2 hours of your time. 

OMG WTF?!?!?!?!?!?

I'm STILL in shock from this report.  Then, all these people started calling in with horror stories of their parents getting rid of their pets and the lies they told to cover it up.  Or, the one guy had a pet chicken that he took care of and played with every day after school.  Until he came home one day and couldn't find the chicken.  So his mom explained that he had done such a good job taking care of it and it got so fat that they decided to COOK HIM for him.  Yeah, he's never been able to eat chicken again after that. 

Is it just me or are these kids going to need therapy???? 

The ad even mentioned something about letting him know if you have previous experience in situations like this.  Do THAT many people really do stuff like this that you will have PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE????  I'm so disturbed and kind of heart broken for those poor girls. 

So that was how my day is everyone else's Monday going?



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