Thursday, November 4, 2010

You're a butterfly and butterflies are free to fly*

Yay random bullets!
  • My lunch on Tuesday made me feel...not so hot.  So...I bailed on my run and went back to my hotel.  However, I felt bad not doing anything even remotely physically active, so I decided to do some burpees in my room (as recommended by BS).  As BS pointed out, burpees are great total body exercises and if I had any "distress" issues, my bathroom was right there. 
  • My burpees are lame.  I did a set of countdowns.  So, I did 10, rested a minute 9, rested a minute, 8...and so on down to 1.  I was able to do good ones for the first 10, 9 and 8 sets.  However, the set of 7 came along and my push-ups got super lame.  In fact, I'm not entirely sure you could classify them as push-ups.  It was more of a bend my elbows so I start to lower and catch myself really quickly and call that good enough.  I am so weak. 
  • I had no "distress" issues, but I was definitely toast by the time I finished the last one.
  • I woke up Wednesday feeling remarkably not sore.  Then, I proceeded to stand on the manufacturing floor for 3 hours for a test, and I could barely move after that. 
  • I went for a "recovery" run yesterday hoping it would loosen up some of my muscles.  I only went two miles.  At the 1 mile mark (and the turnaround point) my legs finally felt like they were moving normally.  Then, at 1.75 mile mark, my legs wanted to break off.  They were done.  I finished the two miles and tried to stretch and could barely lift my leg to stretch it.  My quads felt shredded.
  • I call that a failed recovery run. 
  • Today is a rest day (my favorite day!).
I am done with the exercise talk for today.
  • I wore my new snow/rain boots today (it's raining).  They are super cute, but I look super lame tucking my pants into them.  They make my pants do this funny balloon thing where I look like a pirate.
  • As much as I am obsessed with pirates, it's not a good look for me.  I untucked my pants and just made sure I was careful not to step on them.  Kind of defeats the point of rain boots. 
  • I need to go buy some new long sleeve shirts for work.  I got rid of most of mine when I moved because I never wore them (I got used to 80 degree offices) not thinking this place would be colder.
  • I'm freezing cold all the time.  I need some sleeves. 
  • On a positive note, so far I have finished both my sister's and one of my brother in law's Christmas gifts.  Only have to knit for 5 more people.  I'm so not going to finish. 
  • This weekend is our bar crawl in New Brunswick.  So far there 14 bars scheduled.
  • And people wonder why binge drinking in New Brunswick is so prevalent.  We have so many bars there!  We're not even hitting all of them. 
  • I feel that 14 bars and me driving home is not a good idea.  I will be staying in a hotel in downtown New Brunswick. 
  • This means another night for Oscar at my parent's house.  Poor little booger.
I bet people are sick of bullets.  I kind of am.

Have a lovely day today! 
*Elton John


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