Monday, November 15, 2010

And you know you've seen it all, in daddy's car thinking you'll go far*

I have a definite case of the Mondays. 

So, I'm going to post about the lovely weekend I had instead. 

Actually, this lovely weekend started out kind of shitty.  I woke up at 5:30 in the morning on Saturday to Oscar vomiting blood.  Usually he throws up multiple times before getting to the blood stage, but this time he appeared to be in a rush and just went straight for it. 


He seemed ok and didn't do it again, so being the heartless mom I am, I decided to just keep an eye on him, and if he did it again, we'd go to the emergency vet, but otherwise, we were waiting until the normal vet opened at 8.  (Other than needing to poop twice in the next 2.5 hours, he was ok).  Off to the vet we went. 

Waited about 40 minutes for a doctor (I had no appointment, just kind of walked in, so I was surprised it wasn't longer).  An internal IV (those things are so cool) and a few shots later, we walked out with a bunch of meds to give Oscar, and he already was acting much happier so I wasn't too concerned.  And he's fine.  Doesn't seem to be showing any adverse side effects from being sick, so, we're good. 

In addition to drama queen Oscar, I had invited my sisters and their families to come to breakfast at my place (yes, I am crazy and invited 8 people to eat in my ridiculously tiny room...but that's just how I roll). 

But, my lame oldest sister L (ha!  last week you were awesome...but this week you're lame!) had completely bailed on me and NOBODY from her family came.  And then, JP was supposedly "too sick" to come (although he made a miraculous recovery in time for his co-workers party...), so it was just J and baby V.  Which was actually great.  I had way too much food for just the two of us to eat (I had planned for at least 4), but it was really fun hanging out with J, I feel like I didn't get to do that enough the past 5 years. 

Then, in the afternoon my parents came up for the evening. 

My mom has been wanting to learn how to bead and make jewelry.  So, I spent Saturday afternoon/evening teaching her how to make a necklace.

And seriously, her first attempt is freaking AWESOME:

I'm impressed :-)  (Also, best teacher ever...)

My parent's stayed the night, and we went to breakfast Sunday morning at the diner up here (it's a really good french toast ever!). 

They went home after breakfast, and I cleaned and fell asleep on the couch (that early wake-up call on Saturday took a lot out of me), and waited for JH to call so we could go out for her birthday dinner.  (While helping my mom, I made a necklace for JH's birthday gift.)

We just went to the Applebee's across the street from my hotel for some drinks before dinner (so we could watch the game), and we ended up just staying there for dinner as well.  Our bartender couldn't get any candles for her cake (apparently they don't have candles???), so he held his lighter lit for her to blow out.  I suppose that was creative. 

Then, I came home and went to bed so I could go to work at 5:30 (that didn't happen, but it's a story for a different day).

All in all, I had a lovely weekend (minus the bloody vomit) and it was so nice to see everyone (except the lame L). 

*Dead Kennedys


Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

Lame L is the only who comments on your blog. Maybe she'll stop. Since she's lame. She's also accidentally forgetting to bring you some pasta fagiole when she does come down.

S said...

HA! I love my lame oldest sister :-)

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