Sunday, November 28, 2010

Everybody knows it sucks to grow up*

So, I'm going to say something I NEVER thought I would say:  

I really did NOT like the Harry Potter movie.  I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated it, but I was SO BORED.   It was so slooooow and drawn out and nothing happened, and even the so called "sad" parts, I was so un-invested in this movie, I felt nothing.  

They could have eliminated half of the stuff, and just made one movie.  But, it feels like they just didn't want to give up their cash cow and decided to make you pay two times.  Seriously, not fun.  

However, other than the people I went with, I appear to be the only one who feels this way.  Everyone I talk to has LOVED the movie.  (Are these people insane?)  Seriously, I could have taken a nap and not missed anything.  

So, the second half had best be better.  

I went with my friend Mike to the movie.  So in addition to the not good movie, I also had an awkward night meeting Mike's family.  I don't do well meeting new people.  And while they are quite nice and very friendly, I can't remember the last time I felt so awkward.  

At least my Thanksgiving was lovely.  J and Baby V and I did a 5k Thanksgiving morning (J is hardcore...she ran part of the race with Baby V strapped on her belly in the carrier...crazy lady!).  It was a nice way to start the day, and makes the yummy food that much more enjoyable.  Then, we all went to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving "dinner" and as always, I love seeing the family.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures.  So, I have to post one of my sister's:

The adorable Baby V eating her Thanksgiving Day party dress.  What a cutie!

All in all, it was a mostly successful weekend, however, I'm really not ready to go back to work tomorrow. I kind of want another day off.  :-)

*Ben Folds


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