Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's not gonna come out like I wanna say it, cause I know you'll only change it.*

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been feeling really blah lately. 

I contributed this to missing home and blah blah blah.  However, now I'm thinking maybe I was just really tired.

I went home last night and fell asleep at 7PM (yes...I am a dork) and slept until about 7:10 this morning.  I accidentally forgot to reset my alarm before falling asleep so I have NO idea how I woke up, but there you have it.  And...I feel great.  No more blahs!  I guess I just needed some sleep?

However, poor little O was practically crossing his legs when I woke up this morning.  Poor little buddy.  I changed up my normal routine and walked him first thing (always fun walking a dog in your pajamas when EVERYONE ELSE in the housing development is also walking their dogs at the same time...but they're actually dressed).  Yay slackerish! 

I did manage to accomplish something yesterday.  I changed my windshield wipers (Ugh freaking EPIC tale trying to change the damn things) last night, and I read "Mr Darcy, Vampyre" which was entirely bizarre and not really what I was expecting.  But I guess it was entertaining enough (and I really like "Pride and Prejudice", so anything relating to it can't be entirely bad right?). 

Now I'm just waiting to see if there are any updates on my mom.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!

*Ben Folds


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