Monday, October 10, 2011

My mind forgets to remind me, you're a bad idea*

  • I started my "oh crap, the half marathon is coming way too soon" training plan.  I ran 5 miles this Sunday.  That sucked.  I have no desire to run this half marathon at all.  I'm contemplating just going to Vegas for the fun of Vegas and screw the race.  Meh.
  • My place is being overrun by crickets (overrun is a strong word, but even one is one too many).  Ugh crickets.  Even worse, Oscar's favorite thing to do is catch a cricket, bite it and shake it a bit, then let go so it's writhing on the floor in pain.  Leaving me to have to go near it for a mercy kill.  I am slightly terrified of jumping insects (I get this "they're coming right for me!" feeling when I see them), so having to go near them to kill them does not make me happy.  Ugh crickets.
  • Speaking of Oscar, he is apparently as graceful as his mommy.  We were standing at the top of the stairs, and I started to go down, realized I forgot something, and turned back around.  Oscar attempted to follow, and instead, fell down the steps.  He literally went head over tail all the way down, hitting each step along the way.  I felt so bad, and all I could think was he was going to break his back again.  That sucked.  
  • I have been trying to catch up on my TV shows lately.  I managed to FINALLY watch the last episode of Game of Thrones, and I caught the rest of The Walking Dead Season (just in time for the second season to start next week).  Excellent.  I have also been going back and watching Chuck.  I'm slightly confused.  So many people have said how much they disliked Season 2, and only ONE person I know liked it (he liked it so much, it is one of the reasons I decided to keep watching after I thought Season One was kind of meh).  Um, what are you people smoking?  Season 2 is freaking incredible.  Seriously.  Incredible.  
  • And...last but not least, one of my most random pet peeves.  I despise when radio stations change the song lyrics to make them fit the local area.  Example, one of the stations around here change the lyrics in Lady Gaga's song from Nebraska to Philadelphia.  Or, in, Party in the USA (dying of shame I am referencing a Miley Cyrus song), Z100 always changed the lyrics to "and Z100 was on" (in a song about California btw, NOT New York).  No!  You wouldn't change Sinatra's New York, New York song to Philadelphia, Philadelphia (yes, I realize that makes no sense...but you wouldn't change it to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania either) and it drives me insane that they think its cool to change these songs.  Also, yes, I realize I just used Frank Sinatra and Miley Cyrus in the same example, and I apologize immensely to Sinatra's memory, but I'm just making a point.  It drives me insane.   Grr.  Stupid irrational anger of mine.  :-)
Anyways, that's about it.  Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  

*Taylor Swift (meh, I figured I already referenced Miley Cyrus, may as well finish it off with Taylor Swift).


Shirl said...

Awh, poor Oscar!
I also accept your apology for Ol' Blue Eyes. *shivers* But point understood, lol.

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