Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment*

I think I mentioned helping RR move in my last rambling post.  Although we moved some stuff ourselves, her new company hired her professional movers to pack up her stuff and send it to VA.  You'd think this would help make the move easier, no?  However, I'm dreading my move (being up here while all my stuff I need to move in VA is not going to make this move any easier) because honestly, this move was just not fun, and I'm worried mine will suck just as much logistically.

It started out amusingly.  The movers came at the beginning of the week and packed up her stuff for her.  While there, they asked her if the bong was coming.  Um, it's a hookah, from Israel (no really, it actually was a hookah) and yes it's coming.  They were apparently VERY thorough and made sure they packed everything.  Including these lovely bits of lint that were very carefully placed in the box with her other valuables (who packs lint???).

They then proceeded to load one truck with her stuff and drive it to the warehouse to transfer it to a different moving company's truck (I have NO IDEA).  Somewhere in this process they managed to damage at least 3 pieces of her furniture, and I'm not even sure what else.  Originally, it was thought the delivery date would be Monday, so RR planned to drive up to Virginia (from South Carolina) on Friday evening, stay the night with K and I in Richmond, and then drive the last hour and a half to her place at a leisurely rate.  That would give her two days to get her keys and clean the apartment before the movers show up.

That Friday evening, while driving up to Richmond, the movers call and tell her that now they will be arriving at her place first thing Saturday morning.  Um, nice 14 hour notice?  The rental place was going to be closed by the time she got up there, so she didn't really have much choice other than staying in Richmond as planned and waking up at the butt crack of dawn to drive further north and get her keys early Saturday morning and hopefully have an hour or so to clean.  Not ideal, but doable.

She gets her keys, goes to her apartment...and they don't work.  She is then told by the rental company that the keys work for everyone but her, she must be using them wrong (ha! apparently she's an idiot that hasn't figured out the basic mechanics of a key!).  THREE different people show up and are unable to get into her apartment (but you know, the keys totally work!).  At this point, the movers have also arrived and are starting to bring her boxes of stuff in and basically piling them up in the hallway because there is nowhere else to put them.

Locksmiths are called, the maintenance guy is called, and about 2-3 hours later, she FINALLY gets in her apartment, where apparently the air conditioner is leaking and water is running down the middle of the bedroom floor.  The maintenance people tell her, oh we don't work on Sundays.  Put a towel under it and call us on Monday.  Seriously?

I think at that point I would have been a little bitchy and told them that their asses were there now and they were going to fix it now.  But, we were so tired and just relieved to be in the apartment, that it wasn't even worth fussing over.  And, the maintenance people and movers all appeared to be under the impression that I was RR's girlfriend, and I didn't want them thinking she was dating a bitchy girl.  Got to keep my reputation intact.

It started raining with half her stuff laying around outside off the truck.  It was like a thousand degrees inside the apartment (hi, no air conditioning).  We had no food or water at the apartment thanks to the 14 hour notice and the keys not working, leaving no time to run and grab anything.

All in all, it was a rough day.  And I keep thinking, I have to do this myself in about a month.  Hopefully mine goes a little smoother (I at least already have a key that I know works...that's a plus).

*Eminem (I just listened to most ATROCIOUS Taylor Swift cover of this song.  It was awful.  So I had to listen to the original)


Anonymous said...

Since I work for a moving company, I can totally explain the driving to storage to transfer to a different truck. sucks that the stuff got damaged and the delivery date got moved up though :/

...also, yes, I realize I'm a big giant dork. I blame it on my job.

R said...

hahaha after *finally* reading this post, i realized how funny it is now that it's months in the past. :) & how amazing you are!! what an awesome friend!!!

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