Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me*

This morning, I was trying to figure out why I was not shaking off this cold as quickly as I normally do, and it came to me. 

I've been slacking on my anti-scurvy juice!  (Otherwise known as cranberry juice to normal people).  In Richmond, I religiously drank it every morning (yay Vitamin C!), but here, we don't have a cafeteria to get it from, so, I don't really drink it as often.  That MUST be it. 

They do have a juice machine in the hotel, so this morning, I got a glass of minute maid cranberry juice.  Worst thing ever.  (Seriously, Minute Maid, you need to make some better tasting juice, b/c that stuff was DISGUSTING). 

Apparently I will be going to the store today and buying a bottle of cranberry juice.  Yay anti-scurvy juice!

Also, you laugh now, but soon, you too will be calling cranberry juice your anti-scurvy juice.  I have all my old co-workers in Richmond doing it.  :-)


Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

I've never met anyone who's so afraid of scurvy as you.

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