Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If you're lost, you can look, and you will find me*

I am the worst sick person ever.  No, seriously, I am.  

I whine, I complain, I moan about how terrible I feel.  

And yet, I am so bad at doing things to make myself better.  

I hate medicines.  I rarely take anything stronger than an advil (and seriously, if I've broken down and actually taken an advil, it must be bad). I hate going to the doctor (all they're going to tell me is it's a virus, and prescribe me some antibiotics...oh the RAGE I feel at that sentence).  I am not a good sleeper.  I tend to have issues not being tired at night, and then I'm either up ridiculously early, or I refuse to wake up at all.  Being sick is not a reason to change that apparently.  

I was sick the week before Christmas and it totally sucked.  However, I was finally getting better and other than a slightly runny nose and a nagging cough (I get a cough and it lasts a year, no lie), I felt fine.  

Then, for some reason, on Sunday, I woke up and it hurt to swallow or talk.  My nose is so stuffy again.  I feel like someone beat me with a stick, and I have no energy.  Awesome.  I pretty much have felt the same way since.  

So, do I break down and go to a doctor?  (Actually, I had half convinced myself I have Lymes disease...stupid internet...and should go the doctor THIS INSTANT BEFORE I DIE FROM COMPLICATIONS!).  Then, I realized, these symptoms would have shown up about 3 months ago and not so much now if it was really Lymes disease.  Phew, that's a relief.  

Instead, I did some pilates at the hotel (ugh I'm so not flexible anymore...I remember when this workout video used to be EASY) in an effort to loosen up some of my muscles and get rid of that fell out of a tree and hit every branch along the way down feeling.  

Now I feel like I hit every other branch.  Slight improvement.

Tomorrow, I run.  

*Cyndi Lauper


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