Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have reason to believe that I have victories to taste*

I had a rough workout yesterday.  I started at work and running up and down the steps 50 BAJILLION times during the day (it's 5 floors (each floor has 20 steps between them)...the elevator is INSANELY slow...I need to go to the 3rd and 5th floor A LOT during the day).  It's a lot of steps. 

After work, I went to the gym and did my new lifting routine.  It's actually my long day at the gym, so it's supposed to be my short day of cardio.  However, I really didn't want to do cardio at the gym...I really wanted to run outside.

So, I left the gym and went to the park.  Except I didn't want to do hills, so I went to a different park than I normally do.  The one with a 4 mile loop.  I planned to run two miles and call it a day.  But I am stupid.  Once I started running...I didn't want to stop.  So I did the whole loop. 

However, there were many issues with this:

A - The loop is not 4 miles like I thought.  It's actually 4.7 miles. 
B - There was a lot less shade than I remember there being.  I swear I remember running in this park and being under trees the whole time and running in a "woods like" environment.  No.  That is NOT the case.  In fact, the majority of the trail is directly under the sun.
C - It is INSANELY hot outside this week.  My phone registered a temp of 93 (which means it was feeling hotter as I was running). 
D - I was not properly hydrated. 
E - The trail was TERRIBLE.  There were so many more roots than I remembered.  There were A LOT of hills...and I remember this trail being flat.  The weeds were overgrown on the path.  I had to do a lot of jumping/dodging whatever on the trail to avoid falling.
F - I am not ready to run almost 5 miles.  I am just not there yet. 

So...I had a ridiculously difficult time running.  I was disgustingly sweaty.  I was covered in bugs (even though I put so much bug spray on).  I got slightly burned in weird tan lines (even though I was wearing SPF +50).  And I was FILTHY at the end of the run.  The trail was dirty and dusty I was CAKED in dirt. 

The Dirt went all the way up to my knees.  (For once my family really COULD say I had dirty knees!).  Seriously.  I was so gross. 

I got back to my car and collapsed on the grass to stretch.  I quickly drank two bottles of water and tried to stretch out my ridiculously sore calf muscles before driving home. 

I got home and out of the car and didn't think my legs were going to make it into the house.  They kind of balked when they saw the stairs...it was sad. 

I took a quick shower and passed out at 7:30.  And only woke up for 10 minutes to take Oscar on his last walk of the evening.  I was right back to bed and didn't wake up again until 5:30 this morning.  And then came to work.  However, the 10 hours of sleep were greatly needed.  I feel wonderful today!

Other than my ridiculously tired legs.  I've been taking the elevator as much as possible today....

*Dashboard Confessional


Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

ew...S has dirty knees, S has dirty knees....and what's that smell? ;-)

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