Sunday, May 2, 2010

So baby don't expect to see me, with no double martini in any high-brow society news*

Yesterday, the thermostat in the house couldn't go up high enough to register how hot it was.  Our thermostat goes up to 88 and the little marker was past that.  So...I made an executive decision and turned on the air.  Ha...take that! 

I was nice though, I only turned it down to 76 for a few hours and then bumped it up to 78 for the night.  I figured I had fans and I would just use those if I was too hot with it set to 78.  The air conditioner ran for about 4 hours straight to get the room down to 78...I don't think it ever got below that before I finally bumped it up to 78.  The house was so freaking hot. 

Then, when I finally woke up this morning (yeah, I decided to not bother getting to work on time this morning because I wanted ONE freaking day to wake up later than 6:30) around 9, it was already 80 something.  I got to work and was walking in around 10, and I swear I was getting sunburned in the 5 minutes I was outside.  It's going to be SO HOT today. 

On a happier note, I worked out my mom's mother day gift.  Go me!  I'm not actually buying her a gift, I will just spend my Sunday or Monday setting up her mp3 player for her.  This includes downloading the songs she wants, ripping her CDs onto her computer and transferring everything to her player.  And making her a cheat sheet to do this herself.  Happy Mother's Day mom!  That should only take...pretty much all day.  :-)

Anyways, I need to go do some actual work right now.  Need to edit that 7 page report where I mention how I'm slightly retarded and can't for the life of me figure out why this piece of equipment isn't working as it should.  I've literally run every test I can think of, made all sorts of modifications.  Nothing has worked.  So I literally wrote a 7 page report of failures.  Sigh. 

Hope everyone else had a better weekend than me!

*Jim Croce


Anonymous said...

I have had my AC on for a week now so if you ever get REALLY desperate, we do have a guest room and several couches you are welcome to crash on.... :) I've been there, I know what you're going through! LOL

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