Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maybe this is all I have for home*

I've been SOOO tired this week and I have no idea why.  And...randomly my alarm clock has decided NOT to go off pretty much every day and I am so willing to just sleep until 11 every day.  It's annoying that i can't.  (Lucky for me I have a roommate who calls into my room at 7:30 in the morning if she hasn't heard me moving around).  Which is good...since I'm supposed to at work at 8 (obviously this hasn't really happened much this week). 

Part of my tiredness is from me being super busy and stressed at work.  When I get stressed like this, I tend to have issues sleeping and I tend to wake up 3-4 times a night.  It's obnoxious. 

Last night I had a horrible dream that I was working at my old job at the flower store (except the flower store was completely wrong and not at all like the real place) and there was some random guy at a loading dock to the ACME next door (there was no ACME next to my old job...but apparently my dream had one) and he had a shotgun.  Then we heard a loud bang and we realized someone was shooting. 

I look over and see the guy with the shotgun and his gun is smoking and he's aiming his gun again at whatever he shot the first time.  But I couldn't see who he was shooting because there was a wall in the way.  Then, I froze trying to decide if I should run and hide and make it completely obvious that I saw him shooting and he may decide to come after me.  Or if I should stay where I was and pretend I saw nothing (since there wasn't anywhere close by to hide and I probably wouldn't have made it if I had tried to run for it). 

So I stood there like I saw nothing...except like an idiot I kept staring at him and talking to my customer about how that guy shot someone and he totally heard me (from like 500 yards away but apparently he had bionic ears or something) and he aimed his gun and shot at me.  But the bullet was all Matrix-y and moving in slow motion and I managed to duck my head out of the way but it still kind of grazed by me.  And it was scary. 

And I woke up with my heart pounding and my mouth dry and I was all sorts of freaked out.  And this was at 3 in the morning.  I couldn't fall back asleep again.  So I was awake to notice that my alarm didn't go off when it was supposed to.

Total suckage this week! 

Anyways, the only good thing this week has been the running and the hills!  Yay running!  I've started going back to one of the local parks by where I used to live (Oh I LOVE this park) that has lots of fun trails that are paved or dirt and super hilly and just such a good running spot.  And I've managed to run 2-3 miles each time with minimal pain (I should say more like bearable pain...) and it just feels so good to be running again that I just don't want to stop.  It's been so great.  But I have to go to the trainer/sports medicine guy to get a new regime and I'm dreading it because he's going to be so mad that I've been running too much (I can definitely tell my knee still sucks which is terrible because I just want to go running there EVERY day!). 


I think I've written like twenty gazillion run on sentences.  So...Hope every one is having a great day.  Happy hump day!

*Rusted Root


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