Monday, July 18, 2011

Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow*

I was reading a blog today talking about participating in postcrossing.  They got a postcard today that said "Today, I'm going to tell my best friend I love him".  

And Gah!  Both of our reactions were NO!

Then, I thought more about it, and, yeah.  My reaction is still NO!  Don't do it!  Just no.  

My reasoning
  • If he doesn't feel the same way, potentially ruined the friendship.
  • If he DOES feel the same way, but it doesn't work out, potentially ruined the friendship.
  • I'm a complete coward and don't think I'd have the guts to actually take a risk like this with someone that I'm THAT close with.  (It's one thing to make an ass of yourself in front of someone you don't know and never have to see again, or even someone that you're friends with but you could easily avoid if he rejects you.  It's completely different if this person is your best friend).  
HOWEVER, having said that, I can see how if he DOES feel the same way, but didn't have the guts to make the move, and it DOES work out.  Quite possibly the best thing you could have done in your life.  

So, for the 2 people that actually read and occasionally comment, what's YOUR opinion?  (I'm still strongly leaning no even with the potentially greatest thing comment.  I'm that big a coward.).  


So, having not run a single step last week, I've managed to run twice so far this week.  I stopped at Liberty State Park (I think that's what it's called?) and ran about 2-ish miles yesterday on my way home from north Jersey.  I didn't wear my Garmin, so I'm going solely based on a guesstimate.

Then, I ran again today at the park after work.  Ugh it was so humid.  Breathing was a bit difficult and I got light headed when I stopped.  But, I finished.  All that matters.  Also, leave it to me to start my first week of training for the half marathon during a freaking heat wave.  Blargh.  


Anybody got any new book recommendations?  I need some new ones.

*Chris Young


Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

oh hell no, don't do it! Pull a fourth grade move and get a friend to bring it up "do you like her? I think she likes you". Unless he is giving you longing stares and says things like "I love you" first, no no no.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lisa. I never found myself in this situation, but I did have to tell a good friend of mine that I WASN'T interested in him, and I think it broke his heart. Things were never the same again and now we aren't even in touch anymore and I miss that friendship. So yeah, stealth is the way to go.

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