Thursday, June 9, 2011

McGrumpy Pants

Hi Grandma - there will be not lady appropriate words used in this post.  You may want to look away now :-)

I have been trying not to talk about Weiner's little...moment of complete asstard-ness, but today has been a terrible from a political point of view, and I find that I need a moment to rant. 

I find it very difficult at times that I work for a large corporation, because my personal political beliefs completely clash with what is best for my job.  It's hard to...not get frustrated when I see some of the things we support (like a Republican run house), because personally, I think the current budget issues are showing Republicans to be heartless assholes that only care about making themselves the most money (not that the Democrats are showing themselves as a better option).  However, from a keeping my job point of view.  I probably should be agreeing with the Republicans. 

It's frustrating.  And we just had a government affairs rep at work discussing some of the issues we are supporting and, it was hard to bite my tongue at times.

Then someone at work said how much they hate Obama because he's a Muslim.  And seriously people.  There are SO MANY THINGS you can pick to criticize Obama for.  Can you at least criticize him for something that is at least TRUE, and that actually MEANS SOMETHING.  Who gives a fuck if he's Muslim (and like I said before, he's not)?  It does not make him a terrible person if he was, and it has nothing to do with how he's doing as a president.  Argh. 

So, now my mini rant on Weiner

A - I absolutely LOVED him before.  He was one of the few Representatives that I actually admired. I mean, watch this video and tell me you wouldn't think he's freaking AWESOME.  He was one of the few people that actually called people out on their bullshit.  They need that. 

B- I don't particularly care that he's a pervert.  Whatever.  To each their own.  What I DO have an issue with is that he lied about it for over a week (I also have seen reports that the woman did not want to receive this pictures, in that case, this would also be a sexual harassment case, however, I'm not even going to get into that argument because I dont have enough evidence to actually have anything useful to say).  If he had just flat out said, yeah, that's me.  It probably would have blown over, because it's not like he's an asshole lecturing people on family values and being a huge hypocrite.  He's just a pervert.  And that has nothing to do with him as a politician. 

C- I ALSO give a shit that he just supported the idea that Breitbart is an honest, trustworthy publisher/whatever you call him.  Hello, this is the douchebag that didn't want to leak the pictures b/c it would be harmful to Weiner's family, and yet, he then SHOWS THE PICTURES ON HIS PHONE TO RADIO DJs and LET THEM TAKE PICTURES OF IT.  Explain to me how this isn't leaking the pictures?  The fact that he was actually proven right in this whole situation just PISSES ME OFF b/c more people are going to consider him an actual source of information.  ARGH. 

D- We needed someone that was able to stand up and get in the faces of people on votes.  As shown in the video above.  Except now, he's just a pathetic joke, that has no right to be lecturing anyone on honesty or ethics. 

So, this is just a big EFF YOU to Rep. Weiner.

Ok.  Rant over.  I shall never talk about this again. 


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