Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Please send me anything but signals that are mixed*

I just have some random thoughts in my head today.  Nothing coherent.  Sorry.
  • I've been really struggling with the running lately.  Usually, even when it's a crappy run, I still feel better after I finish it.  Not so much lately.  I just feel like crap the whole time and then even more so when I'm finished.  However, tonight, I had THE. BEST. RUN.  It was a hilly 2.5 mile route that is pretty much usually psychological torture for me (no matter which way I run, the course starts out with a half mile downhill and ends with a half mile uphill.  And lots of rolling hills in between.  It sucks).  But, man, I rocked it tonight and when I finished, I felt SO MUCH BETTER. 
  • I'm trying to plan a trip to see L sometime in the next few months.  I feel slightly jet-setty for the months of May and June (Going to South Carolina, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Seattle...man that just sounds so awesome).  Might as well just add another trip in there.  I miss my oldest sister!
  • I mailed my check to the IRS this weekend.  It's already been cashed and is out of my account (holy crap, that's fast).  However, I scheduled my payment to be withdrawn from my bank by Delaware today, that's still in there.  Now I'm questioning if I actually scheduled it correctly (even though I have the confirmation email saying I did).  Doh. 

Yeah, I had more to write, but I can't think of it.  Hope everyone had a great day.

*Dashboard Confessional


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