Friday, February 25, 2011

15 Things About Me. (I know, such a cop out of a title)

So Trapped in North Jersey's 15 Facts About Me. 
  • I am VERY averse to confrontations.  Oh I will pretty much bend over backwards to avoid a confrontation.  HATE them. 
  • I am very picky about food (I dislike a lot of things), but I am willing to try pretty much anything at least once. 
  • I am paranoid about what people think about me.  Do they think I'm annoying?  Do they like me?  Do they hate me?  I am CONSTANTLY wondering this.  It all stems back to college when I knew a lot of jerky people. :-)
  • I apologize A LOT.  Drives some of my friends INSANE.  I find it amusing when they get annoyed at me for APOLOGIZING. 
  • I tell terrible stories.  The worst.  But they amuse me so my friends/family have to put up with them. 
  • My sisters are pretty much my best friends (Revolting are too...don't worry!)
  • I am super sarcastic all the time.  This gets me in trouble a lot because not everyone appreciates my sarcasm. 
  • I cry way too much.  Seriously.  Hate it.  (Grandma, I'm pretty sure this is the only trait from you I'm not super appreciative of). 
  • I have issues standing.  Contrary to what my nephew thinks (he once complimented me for being a good stander), I tend to tip over for no reason.  I'll be standing there and just kind of lose my balance. 
  • I am also super klutzy.  I broke my foot walking down a driveway.  Really?  Who does that?
  • I think I've already mentioned this before, but I really like cheap beer.  I'm a fan of good beer as well, but if it's a night of drinking?  The cheap beer wins. 
  • I have a neurotic little dog.  He's adorable, but such a pain in the ass at the same time.
  • I give myself pep talks over the LAMEST things.  For example, I am having problems thinking of 15 things, and I thought to myself "3 more things, you can do it!  You're smart!"  (notice I only have two more things it worked).
  • I read really fast.  I'm a little self conscious sometimes when people comment on it.  They think I'm making it up, or not really reading (I swear I am!).  It was recently brought to my attention that a couple hundred years ago, I'd have been burned at the stake for this trait, so I guess feeling a little self conscious about it is better than burning at the stake.  (I swear this makes sense somehow). 
  • I talk too fast.  I leave messages on my PARENTS' phone and THEY can't even understand me.  I mean, these people raised me and still can't understand what I'm saying.  And, the more excited I get, heh, the less likely you will be to understand me. 
Yes, I did it.


Lisa @ Lisa Moves said...

and gosh darn it, people like me!

I like you :-)

R said...

couldn't u have numbered the 15 traits =)

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