Sunday, May 13, 2012

the weekend

I went to South Carolina on Thursday and Friday to watch RR graduate with her PhD. So proud of you RR!

While it was lovely to see her again and spend time with her, it was quite exhausting.  I had to be up at 4 to make my 6:15 flight (um, Philadelphia's airport blows.  I was there 1.5 hours early, and ALMOST missed my flight.  This is at 4:45 in the morning and it was already ridiculously long lines.  Their new plan to send EVERYONE through ONE freaking security checkpoint blows).  I worked all day once I got down there, then finally met up with RR in the evening for dinner.  Woke up early again on Friday for her ceremony, and drove back to the airport 2 hours later. 

Such a short trip, and utterly exhausting.  I am getting old.

More proof I am getting old.  I did something to my back a few weeks ago, and while it doesn't bother me all the time, it bothers me enough that it's interfering with my running.  The last three weekends I haven't been able to run more than 4 miles before I start to feel it pulling.  I can't really explain it.  But, holy crap it hurts. 

I just made it worse today mowing my lawn and weeding and cleaning (I have apparently entered this weird nesting feeling where all I want to do is clean and decorate).  I actually skipped my run entirely this weekend it was bothering me so much.  So, having said this, I am strongly considering not running in Seattle.  Sigh.  I am still going to continue training and hope that I can actually do it, but at the same time, I'm not going to push it and hurt myself more.  It's going to be a last minute decision if I run or not. 

Moving on.

I leave for Prague THIS FRIDAY!!!!  I am so ridiculously excited.  I can't wait. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


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