Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More evidence I am a really big nerd

Does anyone else have a favorite element?

I was watching TV a while ago (let me clarify this now, no I was not watching The Big Bang Theory, I really dislike that show and anyone that tells me I should watch it because I'd love it since they're all nerds.  I hate that show.) 

Anyways, I was watching a different show (can't remember what it was) and the characters started talking about their favorite numbers, and the one mentioned his was 4.  Then clarified it was really 4.002.  The atomic weight of helium (first clue I am a big dork, I knew this before anyone on the show mentioned it).  Apparently he was a big fan of that element. 

Then the other characters discussed THEIR favorite elements (carbon and tungsten), and I found myself disappointed that nobody mentioned molybdenum which just happens to be MY favorite element (atomic weight of 95.96 and atomic number is 42). 

Then, I realized, I have a favorite element (I just think it is a fun name and it's useful in making steel alloys).  I don't think this is normal.

But maybe I'm wrong?  Does anyone else have a favorite element?


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